
TRIALOGOS - Stroh Zu Gold

One aspect in which this year's Roadburn Redux barely differs from regular editions of the festival is that the review aftermath of it in my blog continues forever. Or at least until next April.

Ok, that's admittedly highly speculative, since there are still a couple of months to go until then. But at the moment I'm still waiting for the last items I bought from the virtual merch table to arrive. And of course there's the debut album of one of the biggest Redux discoveries, Trialogos.

TRIALOGOS - Stroh Zu Gold (LP) (2021)

Trialogos to noone's surprise is a trio. It consists of Conny Ochs, Sicker Man and Kiki Bohemia, or in other words: three seasoned musicians, of whom I previously had a little, none and even less knowledge. A mistake, as this record screams.

With a very wide array of sounds originating in the usual rock intrumentation plus analog synthesizers, cello, electronic beats, dictaphone tapes, autoharp, lap steel guitars and more, "Stroh Zu Gold", just like its Roadburn premiere, takes you on an exciting and more than once surprising journey. Especially given that most of this music dwells on very simplistic ideas, their execution and the stylistic bandwidth of the eight tracks turns this album into a very unique and quite outstanding kaleidoscope of experimental psychedelic music.

Ambient atmospheres, robotik krautrock, longing balladic tones, bluesy guitars, noise and devastating drone, the Far East meeting European classic, swansy no wave riff force and "Batdance" almost being a "Knight Rider" tribute. Trialogos play it all.
And when you finally think that there couldn't possibly be added another thing to the mix, you realize that seven tracks being instrumentals doesn't mean, that they can't do it like Sunn O))) and Ulver on "Terrestrials" and send you off with some smooth Brendan Perry (Dead Can Dance) vocals. It's safe to say that even though everything before is already amazing the finale "Wellenreiter" lifts the whole work into an even higher level of memorableness.

If you had to categorize "Stroh Zu Gold" it would technically fit best into the wide definition of psychedelic rock, yet while it surely displays joy of performing music, it also has that kind of experimentalism, perfectionalism and serious artistic edge to it, which sets them apart from your usual psychedelic rock band and which rather reminds me of Einstürzende Neubauten.

Trialogos created a peak creative album. Its production is perfect. And it also looks good.

In short: There's nothing left to be desired, I'm digging everything about this.

And of course, in case you haven't already done so - watch the Roadburn video:

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