
CCPP: Wandelbos

Just a couple of freshly scanned pictures from the Wandelbos park in the west of Tilburg, Netherlands, taken with one of my good old Chupa Chups Photo Pop plastic lens toy cameras. My usual go-to with slide film is to cross-process it as if it was negative film to achieve those typical interesting shifts of the colours, but this time I just forgot to include that wish in my order for the laboratory.

So here any "weirdness" of the tone purely comes from the Kodak Ektachrome 320 being long overripe (exact expiration date unknown) and living in the camera for months, since I just shot one single hotel room picture in Berlin back in June, remembered the filled camera for a day in July and afterwards let it collect dust on my desk, until I finally took it with me this month to capture some light on a black metal day.

The pictures are not all spectacular, but I like them enough. I also already got some more "flashy" shots covered in my 40th weekly dose of Digital Harinezumi 3.0. photographs anyway.

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