

Four are full again! So here's my most recent bunch of releases which I've written about over on Veil of Sound:

KALI MALONE - All Life Long (CD) (2024)

After "Does Spring Hide Its Joy" the American composer and organist residing in Sweden once again choses not to operate below the dimension of FOREVER and releases a huge statement of experimental  Modern Classical music. "All Life Long" combines three different kinds of songs: pipe organ pieces (performed by Malone herself or together with Sunn O)))'s Stephen O'Malley on either the same or two different instruments), brass compositions for trumpet, French horn and trombones and choir chants.

The arrangements are minimalist and droning, the pace is glacial. You can almost watch the seasons change before your eyes while you're listening to this album. But there's a deeply rooted emotional vibrancy which keeps you invested in the beauty of its simplicity. As slow as it unfolds (or even seemingly stays in one place) - every tone and texture here is placed with care and purpose.

Music, which reflects a mostly unspoken part of the human experience in relation to the flow of time. An expression of the inexpressible.

LOUISE LEMÓN - Lifetime of Tears (LP) (2024)

Rejoice, finally! The Swedish Queen of Death Gospel is back with a new album! Smooth, dramatic, dark and light. Simple and catchy, deep and poetic. Louise Lemón sings the love funeral Blues.

Once again I will probably play these seductively melancholic heartbreak hymns until they bleed out of my ears and then some more. They are just so irresistable. 

FULL EARTH - Cloud Sculptors (clear vinyl 2LP) (2024)
Kanaan +, the Norwegian power trio bulking up with two extra members to a collection of huge compositions by drummer Ingvald. Enormous riffs, hypnotically swirling and pulsating organs, mellotron and synths. Just a giant, unfathomable roller of Psychedelic Rock goodness with Classical inspirations. This double album continues to blow me away.

What else can you wish for? To experience this primal dance of the elements live? Well, I just had that at Roadburn and it was a blast. Look out for my upcoming live report!

MONOVOTH - Pleroma Mortem Est (MC) (2024)

And last but not least her's a Funeral Doomjà vu. I not only reviewed Monovoth's second album on Veil of Sound, but also already featured it in my cassette craze chronicles. So even though this is worth repeated praise, please go to one (or both) of those places to read me go on about how great this is!

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