

All reviews of A Colossal Weekend 2024:
DAY 1   |   DAY 2   |   DAY 3

Welcome to another sunny day in Denmark and A Colossal Weekend, day two! Spent the morning and afternoon outside watching the walls and facades of Copenhagen, until the live music finally continued.

Ok, that elephant in the room... you want to know, right? So, there are only four shows in the headline. That's all? Yes, I actually only saw four shows, which is quite a a low quota for a full festival day for me.

Under regular circumstances I probably would have watched four more performances, with my clash choices likely being Briqueville and Kee Avil. And I'm not going to lie, especially missing Wiegedood as well as Witch Club Satan was a bit painful.

But that's fully on me and a price I knew I had to pay, because I was cheating on the festival with none other than Laibach, who were playing in another venue in the city on their "Opus Dei" tour this night. So I left the Vega after three shows, enjoyed over two hours of Laibach - and actually still missed their second encore, so I could bookend the night with at least one more Colossal Weekend show.

The night (or better late afternoon) started in the cool Basement with the hot instrumental tunes of the Danish trio Karambolage. The German translation for the word is identical, but in English the band name means "collision", which is very fitting, since their sound really clashes a lot of influences together: Heavy Stoner Rock, jazzy and funky bits, Post, Prog and Math Math Rock, Italian movie score Western sounds and other beautiful and dissonant shenanigans.

And on top of that they actually seem to care about songwriting, because as all over the place as this could have been this craziness actually made sense somehow. I enjoyed it immensly!

On Thursday it had been closed, but now the small stage of the Ideal Bar became part of the festival as well with a show of experimental Ambient guitar player Anna Roemer. Her mixture of often minimal arrangements with loops and effects was an interesting deep listening experience, even though some transitional passages in which she would prepare for the next build-up overstayed their welcome a little.

Her dreamy performance alone would already have been beautiful, yet the highlights of her set were the pieces in which she was joined be the delicate flute or powerful saxophone of her guest Ned Fern. What can beat a great sax player in a small room?
An unusual, unexpected and very interesting show. Unfortunately I missed the last part of the show, so did anyone eventually use those drums on stage at the very end?

Phew! I had actually done a Metro test run in the morning to check whether it was feasible, and I was very happy that I could still watch the Konvent show before leaving the perimeter for a while.

The brutal Doom Death these five ladies unleashed upon the Little Vega was summoning pure delicious evil. At this point it should be ancient news that the vocal technique of growling doesn't care for your gender, but in case of Rikke Emilie List it was still fascinating how little she even opened her mouth to produce those hellish gutturals, which on pictures makes it look as if she was doing the exact opposite. But no, this couldn't have been further away from sweetly whispered chansons or whatever. Not with this music anyway...

The show was an absolute banger. What a display of excellently raw, crawling and raging darkness!

Now we're all glad it's over,
We thought it would last.
Every minute of the future
Is a memory of the pa..

Oh, sorry! Was away for a moment.
Let's get back to the Vega!

While most of the potentionally tempting merch I had quickly set my eyes on earlier was of course already gone, I was at least back soon enough to enjoy the very last show of the night up in the Lounge. Strike! I may have seen only four shows here on this day, but I still covered all four festival stages with them. Bonus points unlocked or what?

Given the spectacle I had just visit in the Pumpehuset (review coming later today) there was a good chance of whatever would be following it up now letting me down. Well, Fange shattered that doubt within seconds with just the ridiculously soulcrushingly heavy cleansing I needed right now. They even married the extreme Metal of this festival with the Industrial side of  Laibach, neatly tieing up my very individual experience of this remarkable day.

Even visually this show managed to put an icing onto the cake with a brutal stroboscopic dauerfeuer. No, if you were tired, Fange would mercilessly kick you awake again. Their wall of brutal droning Sludge didn't even requiere a drummer to do so, yet mangled us with a machine.
Think an extremely angry neclected step-child of Nadja and Godflesh. Or was it Techno Animal? I guess noone actually knows the identiy of the father, which is probably part of why this kid is so so fucking bestially angry in the first place.

Fuck, this was good! My favorite show of the festival so far even? Definitely an absolute win that I could still catch it (and buy at least one piece of merch). Only one daily report still coming up now - and I promise/threaten you that it will be longer, covering more shows.

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