

What the F? You haven't read my one, two, three, four, five daily Roadburn Festival reports yet? What are doing here? Check those out and then come back!




Done? Ok, here's one of the recent releases from my festival haul. Unfortunately the Roadburn alumni weren't on the bill to perform this beast, but who knows what next year might bring, right?

BONGRIPPER - Empty (2LP) (2024)

The four-headed riff worship entity from Chicaogo has done it again. Yeah, I guess if you know Bongripper everything about this double album will appear familiar: Sick gatefold artwork, four record sides, four instrumental tracks, each title one word, forming a sentence which contains the album title.

Nothing remains forever empty.

Bongripper's language is black-holish heaviness, mostly roared in killer Doom / Sludge Metal riffs from hell, but also accented with spacious or crushing Drone, booming Dark Ambient sounds, brutal blasts or rays of seemigly elevating Post Metal, which upon closer inspection all end up being traps, dragging you only deeper into the abyss. And where else would you want to go with this soundtrack?

While Bongripper almost constantly slap your whole body with a monumental undead dong of Doom, they are also really darn good at crafting their longform compositions between twelve and twenty-two minutes in way that never gets stale and feels much shorter.

Each track on "Empty" showcases different strengths of the band, but they all have in common that they are Bongripper at their A game. Which means this is as close to perfection as two guitars, bass, drums and the mission of leveling Earth until it's ready for Doomsday can get. If you're already a fan it's hard to think of any excuse not to get this filthy mountainous masterpiece.

Personally I'm unfortunately an idiot. There are some awesome coloured vinyl versions out there, which I even inspected at the merch stand, but somehow I stilled ended up with good old boring black. Best punish myself with some pummeling Doom. Ok, ultimately that's still a win.

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