
EYE - Dark Light


My work here is done I guess. Everything you need to know about Eye has been said by Eye on Eye's Bandcamp page. So my review is already redundant before I've even begun writing it.

But no worries, I'll praise this swoon-worthily beautiful (but in a cool way, bro!) debut album now anyway.

EYE - Dark Light (green/purple half and half vinyl LP) (2024)

Eye is a new trio led by MWWB / Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard frontwoman Jessica Ball. The step from the Stoner Doom Metal band to the sound on "Dark Light" isn't actually that gigantic, because MWWB already established Jessica's dreamy ethereal vocal presence and the heavy use of synthesizers. It's still significant though.

Eye are even dreamier and much more Electronic. But it depends on the song. Some tracks are more focussed on synth bass and strummed Shoegaze six-strings, others lean more towards a floating guitar sound. Everything oozes a contemporary Gothic vibe and is delivered in subdued Doom pace. And when you think the distinction between the two bands couldn't be clearer you might suddenly be crushed by a tasty Metal crunch after all.
Previous comparisons of Ball's music to Undersmile, King Woman or Yob are still applicable to varying degrees, but you have scale them back in favour of achingly beautiful variations of Dream Pop, Post Rock, Emma Ruth Rundle and whatever else feels light and angelic, yet also sad and eery. And all of this is achieved without artificial kitsch. This album always sounds heartfelt and real. 

On their debut Jessica BallGid Goundry (drums) and Jonathan Brooks-Jones (synths) have already defined their own vision and steer it into slightly different directions with each song.

If we look at this year's releases so far the variety in which the Electro-Gothic-Doom presents itself here, as well as the sheer quality of it all puts "Dark Light" in comfortable vicinity of Chelsea Wolfe (who I will finally see live again tonight, yay!) and Lethe for me.
Hell, even the colour schemes of the three covers look related. Speaking of it: The artwork and two-coloured vinyl are also beautiful match here.

So what's not to love? Already being a fan of MWWB helps to enjoy this, but is definitely not required, because Eye are just as great on their own. An absolutely splendid record!

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