
cassette craze chronicles XXXV feat. BRÍI, DIABOLIC OATH, ERSHETU and HAVE BLUE

Hey, finally! It's tape spinning time again. So without further ado let's start with  blasting some sick Blackened Death Metal!

DIABOLIC OATH - Oracular Hexations (2024)

Oh, I worded that wrong: Let's start with that one of these mini reviews I could totally skip! Because yes, I've already written about this slab of disgusting fretless Dissonant Death Metal back in April. As with most releases from Sentient Ruin Laboratories it just took a while until it was available in physical format in Europe.
Of course this album is still a sick blackened nightmare of awesome performances deliberately drenched in cavernous abysmal chaos. It's absolutely delicious!

And as nice as it had been to have the digital (promo) copy, it felt a little too convenient and untrve that you're actually able to read the tapeworm track titles like "Rusted Madness Tethering Misbegotten Haruspices" on the screen. No, this needs to be in a challenging font, printed red on black!

DIABOLIC OATH - Aischrolatreia (2022)

Well, if you love the album you will also love Diabolic Oath's previous EP. It's the same brand of Technical Death Metal which doesn't care to showcase its Progressive chops, but just uses those as one of various elements to create stress and exhaustion. It also features the band's trademark of exclusively using fretless guitars to even enhance the twisted nature of their maelstrom invocations.

The song titles alone are pure Death Metal bliss again:

"Thrones Before Slobbering Gods"
"Grand Atrocities Through Foul Miscreations"
"Poisoned Bodies of Swine Imbuing"

The arrangements are not quite at the point they achieved later with "Oracular Hexations", but on the other hand this is even a bit more filthy, raw and chaotic. This dunks your bones in demon blood soup, makes you bathe in it and feeds the fire under the kettle. Blessed are the diabolic.

BRÍI - Último Ancestral Comum (2023)

It took quite a while until the latest Bríi was finally released on cassette. So long in fact that I thought there maybe just wouldn't be a tape this time and ordered it as a CD from the Chinese label Pest Productions. And of course even before that one arrived the cassette came out. Ordering it too admittedly was collector's greed, just because I already have the three previous albums of the Brazilian project in that format. If you can get your hands on the disc - that one's absolutely fine as well.
On the other hand the cassette is quite a beautiful item and definitely features my favorite shell of this bunch.

And musically? In four long tracks once again Bríi hallucinates its weird dream of Ambient powered up with Electronic club sounds infused with Post Rock and smashed down by brutal epic Black Metal. Many movements on this album flow into each other very smoothly, others are sudden absurd bursts. And both approaches work on this exciting, highly unpredictable album.

The only thing which bothers me is that the production of the Metal parts could really be clearer. Low-fi attitude or not, the way the musical richness is drenched in swampy dullness sometimes is just too much. Especially since the Electronic grooves can be so satisfying (love the trance of the final track "Cada Canto Du Universo") that makes the production feel unbalanced. The only solution as a listener is to compensate with volume. And if you boosted "Alienígena Interior" enough to enjoy it, you will surely also have a great time with all the rest. The unique genre mix this artist is once again presenting here deserves it.

ERSHETU - Xibalba (2023)

On the level of being something different Ershetu can surely rival, if not even beat Bríi. The concept of the band which among others features vocals from Solefald and guitars from Blut Aus Nord is the meaning of Death in different cultures. The debut album starts this exploration with the Maya.

So yes, between the blasting cinematic orchestral Black Metal with harsh and clean vocals you should expect some pan flutes and other ethnic sounds, which are probably as authentically Mayan as Wardruna are Viking. Has anyone heard Central American music from that epoch? There you have it, let's rather file this under fantasy!
And that's not meant as a downgrade, because this stuff actually is super creative, unique and epic. Actually, had I endulged in this earlier it maybe could have been among my favorite releases of 2023. 

A nice bonus to the cassette is that the digital download also includes all six tracks as instrumental versions.

HAVE BLUE - Minus Minus (2024)

And now a more recent album again! Is the title a Jazz reference? And didn't I only just feature Have Blue's last release "Trübe" in the previous edition of my cassette craze chronicles?

Recorded in the beginning of 2024 in the band's rehearsal space, the eight German and English tracks on "Minus Minus" once again show us that Punk shouldn't be defined solely by sound, but mostly by attitude.

Because while the raw immediacy, D.I.Y. sound and spirit of their music always screams Punk, Have Blue are not afraid to add proggy time signatures, bluesy or funky parts, Garage Space Rock, Noise Rock and Metal influences whenever they see fit. In some fast and heavy instances the trio even reminds of the punkish side of Voivod including chord choices and the gnarly bass sound.

And all that happens without Have Blue never actually not being Punk anymore. I have absolutely not been raised on the genre, but this blend just is the shit for me. I think I still slightly prefer "Trübe" though, but that's above all a matter of quantity, since that album simply was twenty minutes longer than this quick half hour.

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