

So here we are. 2021.

It's just another number. Things won't get significantly better. No, most shit in this world will probably continue to get worse.

But on some fronts there are glimpses of hope now, I will admit that.

DARK SKY BURIAL - Omisoka (download) (2020)

In that spirit it's fitting to start this year new with a new track from Shane Embury aka Dark Sky Burial, which embodies it in a similar way as the sound of his stunning debut "De Omnibus Dubitandum Est" was a fitting descriptive soundtrack for the struggles we've all gone through during the previous twelve months.

"Omisoka" keeps parts of the dark and cold base of that sound and lets it blossom into something light and honestly hopeful.

Nothing wrong about staring into the diffuse dawn of the unknown with your soul embraced in the bliss of yearning electronic post rock.

Do I need to disclaim that this sounds nothing like Napalm Death? So this is not automatically for fans of the grindcore / pioneers. It's great to hear Embury flex his talents beyond his band though.

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