Of course I'll still be writing about 2024 releases here for a while. And if you're thinking I'm only covering the forgetable rest now, you couldn't be more wrong. With more spins and time of consideration some of the albums you're still going to see here might even have made it into my annual list of favorites.
Cursed Cemetery for example have delivered a successor to their 2022 Blackened Doom masterpiece "A Forgotten Epitaph", which is a 2024 highlight of the genre.
Cursed Cemetery for example have delivered a successor to their 2022 Blackened Doom masterpiece "A Forgotten Epitaph", which is a 2024 highlight of the genre.
CURSED CEMETERY - Magma Transmigration (CD) (2024)
A question which not as easily answered as you might expect is which genre the Romanians are actually playing here. And while Blackened Doom is a pretty safe surface level answer, it doesn't really cover the totality of these four long tracks. Not that the answer would matter much, because Cursed Cemetery aren't the kind of band that flexes with the multitude of styles they are bringing in. The base of their songwriting rather is finding simple, yet strong chord progressions and riffs and milking the fuck out of them as intensly as possible without letting them become an annoyance. And that's where all the different timbres, tempos, sounds and dynamics come in.
As a result we get those great slow caveman riffs, mostly presented in a Funeral Doom manner, but also as a Post Metal wall of sound, decorated with Dark Ambient synths, Blackened atmosphere, all kinds of far away screeching, growling and vocalizing, including throat singing, but also surprising forays into grungy uptempo stuff akin to King Woman, Psychedelic bits as well as good old Oldschool Death Metal.
Yet ultimately it's all one magnificent thick, but still fluid stream of mysticism, darkness and despair. Again the overall vibe reminds me of Forlesen - and that's a great thing. "Magma Transmigration" is a beautifully eerie and oppressive monument of devastating Doom. I love to immerse myself into its horrifying magnitude.
And on top I even like the artwork of this digipak CD much more than I would have expected. An all-around convincing release by Dusktone Records.
As a result we get those great slow caveman riffs, mostly presented in a Funeral Doom manner, but also as a Post Metal wall of sound, decorated with Dark Ambient synths, Blackened atmosphere, all kinds of far away screeching, growling and vocalizing, including throat singing, but also surprising forays into grungy uptempo stuff akin to King Woman, Psychedelic bits as well as good old Oldschool Death Metal.
Yet ultimately it's all one magnificent thick, but still fluid stream of mysticism, darkness and despair. Again the overall vibe reminds me of Forlesen - and that's a great thing. "Magma Transmigration" is a beautifully eerie and oppressive monument of devastating Doom. I love to immerse myself into its horrifying magnitude.
And on top I even like the artwork of this digipak CD much more than I would have expected. An all-around convincing release by Dusktone Records.
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